PROJECT FEATURE: Sunrise Records

We recently had the opportunity to work with Sunrise Records…and given that a good majority of our crew are musicians, we jumped at the chance! Funny enough, the project was presented through one of our musical connections from Ontario.

Located in CF Market Mall in Calgary, here’s what the project entailed:

  • moving Sunrise from one location to a larger location in the same mall;

  • making minor interior alterations;

  • rebranding in Sunrise colours;

  • relocating existing Sunrise fixtures; and

  • fixing up the store front, including a new sign.




Although it required a bit of travel and living out of hotels for a couple of weeks, it gave us a chance to execute the project in a high traffic area in a mall…a first for us. It also allowed us to work with local trades such as Canadian Sign Co., HIXI Electric, Jennifer Carr Painting and Gilbert’s Mountain Movers - all of which were amazing to work with. The results truly speak for themselves.

The new permanent sign is still in production but the temporary sign is up and the new location is open for business. We will update the blog once the permanent sign has been installed on December 8, 2020. Until then, shine on.


Jacquie Troy Carter